The kids thought the ducks were awesome. In case you have no clue what the ducks are this is what they look like:

They go on land and water. Before the ride you get quackers to quack at other "ducks". These are fun on the ducks, but after a weekend of quacking some parents (not us :-) begin to hate the duck people who give these away!
Here is CJ with his quacker:
Ry decided the windy, hot duck ride was the perfect time to nap on Mommy.
The really fun part for kids is once the duck splashes into Table Rock Lake they let the kids drive. Here is Captain CJ:
The kids had a blast at Silver Dollar City on Friday even though the heat index was like 110 and the humidity was around 80% (or more). It was completely miserable. Ry had to have an adult ride with her on most of the rides since she is under 36 inches so, lucky me, I got to squeeze my sweaty self into butterflies and frogs made for 4 year olds!
We had to lie and say Ry was 2 years old so she could ride the bumper boats. She LOVED them! She was giggling and squealing so loud that everyone watching was commenting about her.
On Sunday before we left we took the kids to The Track. They have fun stuff for little kids like rides, mini golf and go-karts. Ry and CJ rode the little ferris wheel they have. Ry insisted on sitting next to CJ so their car was a little heavy on one side.

CJ played mini golf for the first time. He liked it so much we played twice!
I don't have any pics of the kids swimming. They were a little too wild to have my camera out! CJ was so much better in the pool than last year. He even went under water! Guess it's time for swimming lessons!