Monday, August 31, 2009
Someday she will be on American Idol!
Two posts in one day! Here is Ms. Ry singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider and ending with her shortened version of the ABC's. Oh and a request for more cheese. LOL.
Fevers, fireflies, fotos and fights! Oh my!
We had a pretty good weekend. Friday afternoon I got a call from daycare that CJ had a fever. Once I got him home and got some ibuprofen in him he seemed better the rest of the weekend. He did complain of a headache here and there.
CJ was feeling better Saturday evening so I got the bright idea for us to catch fireflies (or lightening bugs as CJ prefers they be called). The kids were all excited with the jars Daddy got ready for them:
For some reason the idea of putting lightening bugs in pickle jars was hilarious to CJ! After getting them all excited we saw two, yes TWO lightening bugs! Greg said it was probably too chilly out. We did get some good pics while we were waiting for the dark though.
The fighting part of my title came on Sunday when the kids starting fighting the minute they got up. By noon Greg and I were ready to pull our hair out!! Good thing it was nice, we took them outside where we hoped they would wear themselves out and lose their frustrations. It worked!
Hope you had a great weekend!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Wonderful Weekend
The weather was absolutely amazing this weekend! Greg and my Dad worked on finishing up the kids' new swing set area and I finally took some pics!

Greg and CJ were going to "camp" Saturday night (in our backyard) so he put the tent up early. The kids played in it for hours. Of course they had to fight over which side they wanted and which sleeping bag they wanted, but such is life!! They ended up not camping because, strangely enough, it was too chilly out! I can't believe we can say that in August! Here they are enjoying the tent in between fights:

Greg and CJ were going to "camp" Saturday night (in our backyard) so he put the tent up early. The kids played in it for hours. Of course they had to fight over which side they wanted and which sleeping bag they wanted, but such is life!! They ended up not camping because, strangely enough, it was too chilly out! I can't believe we can say that in August! Here they are enjoying the tent in between fights:

I want to wish my in-laws a very Happy Anniversary. Yesterday they celebrated 40 years together. Congratulations!!! We love you guys!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Baby Blues
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sad It's Over
Saturday was officially the end of t-ball season. I am so bummed. I don't think CJ is as upset as me! I had so much fun teaching the kids how to play. Greg said he will probably coach next year. Yeah!
Ry has been going on the potty like a big girl so last night we went and bought her some big girl undies. I'm amazed at the sizes of toddler underwear. I guess if it were up to Disney and Hanes only 4 year olds would be potty trained? I had the hardest time finding size 2 undies.
Ry picked them all out on her own (Minnie Mouse and Disney Princesses)then when we got home she had to put all six pairs on at the same time. The kid is crazy. She thought it was hysterical. Eh, who am I kidding it WAS hysterical!!
I don't have any new pics, but I found these on my palm. Enjoy!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Johnson Family Drama
Yesterday as I was leaving my office a friend from the department across the hall told me he saw someone back into my car and drive off. Of course, because of my luck, there was damage to my car! My friend now known as GS (good samaritan) followed her and got her license plate number. GS you are the best! He hung out with me until campus police arrived and told them what he saw. Crazy part of the story...she's parked in the same spot today!! I am now waiting on the detective to call me with her name (in the mean time I went down and took pics of her car's damage on my palm:-)
I work at a large university with multiple cameras, security swipe cards and parking passes that require license plate numbers...did she really think she would get away with it?
On a happier note, CJ told this hilarious story about tacos at school yesterday. He said him and his friends were "super excited" to have tacos yesterday. Mason (his friend) said Ms. Barb bought them at Taco Bell, but CJ "knew they were made special for them". Haha. I would loved to have heard the actual conversation.
Happy Friday!
I work at a large university with multiple cameras, security swipe cards and parking passes that require license plate numbers...did she really think she would get away with it?
On a happier note, CJ told this hilarious story about tacos at school yesterday. He said him and his friends were "super excited" to have tacos yesterday. Mason (his friend) said Ms. Barb bought them at Taco Bell, but CJ "knew they were made special for them". Haha. I would loved to have heard the actual conversation.
Happy Friday!
Monday, August 3, 2009
CJ's Status: Shots Survived
CJ survived! I told him about 2 minutes before he got shots that he was getting them. His response: Mom, what's a shot?! I knew he wouldn't know! Unfortunately, he will remember for the next round. Through sobs, after getting stuck twice he told me, "I don't like shots".

The kids had a blast at the Magic House. It was totally packed and after 2 and a half hours Dad and I were exhausted! I packed a picnic lunch for us to eat before we went in. Of course all the picnic tables were full and there was no good place to spread our blanket so they ate in the back of the Saturn. I felt bad, but as you can see they didn't mind.

CJ went down the 3 story slide. Talk about stressful! I had to run down 3 flights of very narrow stairs to get to the end before him!
They loved all of the wooden instruments

and the balls that were floating on air (yeah - I have no idea what the technical name of it is).

CJ's favorite was the contruction zone. The place was insanely full of kids so I didn't get any pictures, but they could carry styroform up for the building and dig in gravel. There was even a real bobcat they could play on!
My favorite part? This sign:

As always, CJ is above average!
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