Friday, May 15, 2009

Pizza Picassos

G plays softball every Thursday night so we try to do something fun with dinner on those nights. Last night we made mini pizzas. CJ loves helping me in the kitchen. He was all for making his pizza.

Ry was more interested in eating the cheese than putting it on her pizza.

We got them in the toaster oven (I ended up making Ry's as she was too busy scarfing down mozzarella). CJ obviously enjoyed his.

Ry refused to eat her pizza. And I annoyed her with my "please eat one bite" over and over.

The next fun thing we were going to do was make cookies. I got all of our ingredients ready only to realize we had no eggs. I then proceeded to listen to Mr. CJ whine and complain for 20 minutes that he WANTED TO MAKE COOKIES!! Ok CJ, let Mom run out to the chicken coop in the backyard and we can continue as YOU want. :-) Needless to say the Johnson house was cookie-LESS last night!
TGIF everyone!



  1. She heard enough about one more bite mom, with her fingers in her ears. She is soooo cute.

  2. Glad to hear you had a good time in Iowa and with ug duck.
