We started the long weekend with a bonfire at the Drury's (thanks guys!). We had a great time and the best part? The neighbor girls watched all the kids so the adults could have some grown-up time. The kids played great together! They stayed up until 11:30 which is SUPER late for our kids and they slept until 9. Yes, you read that right 9 am!!!! Amazing!
Saturday we did a little shopping. The kids needed fall clothes badly. All of CJ's pants looked like capri pants when he tried them on! Sunday we were lazy and didn't do a whole lot. Those days are the best.
Monday we had the Firle family over for lunch and then we celebrated Ry's 2nd birthday early. Her birthday is the 13th and we will be in Iowa (look out Mamaw and Bapaw we are on our way soon!!) so we had cake early with Pop, Nana, TT and Jeff-o. Nana got Ry an "Ayo Kitty" cake.

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