Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tricks, Treats and a Big Girl Bed

We hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. The kids had a great time. CJ was the only firefighter in his class so he was happy about that. Aren't they too cute?

I told CJ Friday night that the plans were to trick or treat on Main Street Saturday morning with my friend Kristin's girls and then Saturday night in our subdivision with our neighbors. He responded and by ourselves the next night. Um, no that's not how it works! They got TONS of candy and since we only had 6 or 7 trick or treaters they got our leftover candy too.

In other exciting news, Ms. Ry moved to her big girl bed this weekend. She was soooo excited. Then when I put her to bed Saturday night, I said goodnight Ry and she said "Mommy, don't weeb me". LOL. The first night she wasn't so sure but she hasn't had a problem since. Here is her pretty bed:

I told her it was a pretty bed for a very pretty girl!

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